Front. Cell Dev. Biol|Nektarios Tavernarakis综述了疾病中的细胞核自噬事件

2022年1月3日,希腊伊拉克利翁克里特大学医学院基础科学系Nektarios Tavernarakis在Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology上发表了题为“Autophagy of the Nucleus in Health and Disease”的综述性论文。在本文中,团队汇总了近期关于核成分自噬过程的研究,讨论了病理学背景下的细胞核自噬事件,例如神经病变、癌症、DNA损伤和衰老。
已报到的酿酒酵母中细胞核自噬情况如下图所示,其中,碳/氮剥夺或TORC1靶点药理性失活均可诱导细胞核自噬。典型的细胞核微自噬——酵母中的细胞核零碎微自噬(piecemeal microautophagy of the nucleus,PMN)仅限于核-液泡连接(NVJ),其特点是Atg11和Atg8阳性结构定位于液泡内陷的尖端之间。核孔复合物(NPC)是穿透核膜的大型蛋白质通道,负责各种细胞成分的核质运输,越来越多的证据表明,NPC完整性的破坏与衰老、癌症和神经退行性疾病有关。下图亦分析了自噬在NPC周转中的可能作用。
细胞核大自噬是细胞核自噬的主要形式,主要发生在哺乳动物细胞中,其研究主要集中在病理条件下检测细胞核自噬,例如神经病变和癌症等,核纤层的两种主要成分Lamin A/C和lamin B已被鉴定为哺乳动物细胞核自噬的底物。研究显示,核层成分的自噬降解可保护细胞免于肿瘤发生。目前的研究结果表明,核纤层蛋白是一类突出的核成分,能够整合来自不同核损伤的信号,并在与LC3直接相互作用时传递细胞核自噬信号。
《Front. Cell Dev. Biol|Nektarios Tavernarakis综述了疾病中的细胞核自噬事件》
图 酿酒酵母中的细胞核自噬示意图。


Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2022 Jan 3. 

doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.814955.


Autophagy of the Nucleus in Health and Disease

Nucleophagy is an organelle-selective subtype of autophagy that targets nuclear material for degradation. The macroautophagic delivery of micronuclei to the vacuole, together with the nucleus-vacuole junction-dependent microautophagic degradation of nuclear material, were first observed in yeast. Nuclear pore complexes and ribosomal DNA are typically excluded during conventional macronucleophagy and micronucleophagy, indicating that degradation of nuclear cargo is tightly regulated. In mammals, similarly to other autophagy subtypes, nucleophagy is crucial for cellular differentiation and development, in addition to enabling cells to respond to various nuclear insults and cell cycle perturbations. A common denominator of all nucleophagic processes characterized in diverse organisms is the dependence on the core autophagic machinery. Here, we survey recent studies investigating the autophagic processing of nuclear components. We discuss nucleophagic events in the context of pathology, such as neurodegeneration, cancer, DNA damage, and ageing.

《Front. Cell Dev. Biol|Nektarios Tavernarakis综述了疾病中的细胞核自噬事件》



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