Front. Cell Dev. Biol|华东理工大学马兴元团队阐明了Survivin与P-糖蛋白在癌症多药耐药中的协同途径

2022年1月3日,华东理工大学生物反应器工程国家重点实验室马兴元团队在Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology上发表了题为“The Establishment of Quantitatively Regulating Expression Cassette with sgRNA Targeting BIRC5 to Elucidate the Synergistic Pathway of Survivin with P-Glycoprotein in Cancer Multi-Drug Resistance”的研究论文。在本研究中,团队深入探索了Survivin在MDR中的作用,以及进一步探索了其与化疗耐药之间的联系。团队研究为开发更有效或新的癌症治疗方案提供了理论基础,采用的定量方法为研究肿瘤中关键基因的生物学功能提供了新见解。
《Front. Cell Dev. Biol|华东理工大学马兴元团队阐明了Survivin与P-糖蛋白在癌症多药耐药中的协同途径》
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Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2022 Jan 3. 

doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.797005.


The Establishment of Quantitatively Regulating Expression Cassette with sgRNA Targeting BIRC5 to Elucidate the Synergistic Pathway of Survivin with P-Glycoprotein in Cancer Multi-Drug Resistance

Quantitative analysis and regulating gene expression in cancer cells is an innovative method to study key genes in tumors, which conduces to analyze the biological function of the specific gene. In this study, we found the expression levels of Survivin protein (BIRC5) and P-glycoprotein (MDR1) in MCF-7/doxorubicin (DOX) cells (drug-resistant cells) were significantly higher than MCF-7 cells (wild-type cells). In order to explore the specific functions of BIRC5 gene in multi-drug resistance (MDR), a CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knocking-in tetracycline (Tet)-off regulatory system cell line was established, which enabled us to regulate the expression levels of Survivin quantitatively (clone 8 named MCF-7/Survivin was selected for further studies). Subsequently, the determination results of doxycycline-induced DOX efflux in MCF-7/Survivin cells implied that Survivin expression level was opposite to DOX accumulation in the cells. For example, when Survivin expression was down-regulated, DOX accumulation inside the MCF-7/Survivin cells was up-regulated, inducing strong apoptosis of cells (reversal index 118.07) by weakening the release of intracellular drug from MCF-7/Survivin cells. Also, down-regulation of Survivin resulted in reduced phosphorylation of PI3K, Akt, and mTOR in MCF-7/Survivin cells and significantly decreased P-gp expression. Previous studies had shown that PI3K/Akt/mTOR could regulate P-gp expression. Therefore, we speculated that Survivin might affect the expression of P-gp through PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. In summary, this quantitative method is not only valuable for studying the gene itself, but also can better analyze the biological phenomena related to it.

《Front. Cell Dev. Biol|华东理工大学马兴元团队阐明了Survivin与P-糖蛋白在癌症多药耐药中的协同途径》



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