Acta Biomater|Gema Frühbeck团队揭示减肥手术背后的代谢机制


《Acta Biomater|Gema Frühbeck团队揭示减肥手术背后的代谢机制》

研究显示,AT的生物力学特性与肥胖相关并发症的发展密切相关,除改善包括2型糖尿病(T2D)在内的肥胖相关代谢疾病外,减肥手术(BS)是持续减肥的最有效选择。2022年1月8日,西班牙潘普洛纳纳瓦拉大学诊所内分泌与营养系Gema Frühbeck团队在Acta Biomaterialia上发表了题为“Changes in mechanical properties of adipose tissue after bariatric surgery driven by extracellular matrix remodelling and neovascularization are associated with metabolic improvements”的研究论文。在本研究中,团队旨在确定采取BS和热量限制(CR)实现体重减轻后,其对AT生物力学特性的影响。研究揭示了BS后EWAT适应的新见解,即胶原交联和合成减少,降解增加,血管密度增加,同时提供更高的刚度和更大的延展性。





结果证明,BS而非CR改变了肥胖大鼠模型中EWAT的生物力学特性,这与代谢改善有关。BS后EWAT中胶原和Lox基因表达水平下降,而弹性蛋白和Mmps mRNA水平升高,这也与生物力学特性有关。此外,术后,在EWAT中观察到血管密度增加,Acta2Antxr1基因表达水平上调证实了这点,其亦与生物力学特性相关。与动物模型的EWAT相比,肥胖患者内脏AT显示出较高的刚度。


《Acta Biomater|Gema Frühbeck团队揭示减肥手术背后的代谢机制》

图 本文图形摘要示意图,反映了新陈代谢和脂肪生物学变化及其基础。

Acta Biomater. 2022 Jan 7. 
doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2022.01.007.


Changes in mechanical properties of adipose tissue after bariatric surgery driven by extracellular matrix remodelling and neovascularization are associated with metabolic improvements


Biomechanical properties of adipose tissue (AT) are closely involved in the development of obesity-associated comorbidities. Bariatric surgery (BS) constitutes the most effective option for a sustained weight loss in addition to improving obesity-associated metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes (T2D). We aimed to determine the impact of weight loss achieved by BS and caloric restriction (CR) on the biomechanical properties of AT. BS but not CR changed the biomechanical properties of epididymal white AT (EWAT) from a diet-induced obesity rat model, which were associated with metabolic improvements. We found decreased gene expression levels of collagens and Lox together with increased elastin and Mmps mRNA levels in EWAT after BS, which were also associated with the biomechanical properties. Moreover, an increased blood vessel density was observed in EWAT after surgery, confirmed by an upregulation of Acta2 and Antxr1 gene expression levels, which was also correlated with the biomechanical properties. Visceral AT from patients with obesity showed increased stiffness after tensile tests compared to the EWAT from the animal model. This study uncovers new insights into EWAT adaptation after BS with decreased collagen crosslink and synthesis as well as an increased degradation together with enhanced blood vessel density providing, simultaneously, higher stiffness and more ductility.

研究意义:Biomechanical properties of the adipose tissue (AT) are closely involved in the development of obesity-associated comorbidities. In this study, we show for the first time that biomechanical properties of AT determined by E, UTS and strain at UTS are decreased in obesity, being increased after bariatric surgery by the promotion of ECM remodelling and neovascularization. Moreover, these changes in biomechanical properties are associated with improvements in metabolic homeostasis. Consistently, a better characterization of the plasticity and biomechanical properties of the AT after bariatric surgery opens up a new field for the development of innovative strategies for the reduction of fibrosis and inflammation in AT as well as to better understand obesity and its associated comorbidities.

关键词:Obesity; adipose tissue; extracellular matrix remodeling; biomechanical properties; bariatric surgery

《Acta Biomater|Gema Frühbeck团队揭示减肥手术背后的代谢机制》



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