Gastric Cancer|Surinder M. Soond团队从微生物角度综述了幽门螺杆菌与胃癌的关系

本文缩略词一览表《Gastric Cancer|Surinder M. Soond团队从微生物角度综述了幽门螺杆菌与胃癌的关系》

根据2018年WHO和全球癌症负担(GLOBOCAN)估计,GC是男性和女性每年癌症死亡的第三和第四大原因,世界范围内的总估计数为960万死亡。一般来说,GC是由宿主遗传学、环境、生活方式和微生物等重多因素之间复杂的相互作用引起的。从微生物角度来看,肠道微生物组明显具有重要意义,因为其代表了人体中最大和最多样化的微生物生态系统。革兰氏阴性菌——幽门螺杆菌(H. pylori),作为胃致癌作用的可能前体,已被WHO归类为1类致癌物。
2021年12月16日,英国萨里大学健康与医学科学学院免疫学系Surinder M. Soond团队在Gastric Cancer上发表了题为“Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: a lysosomal protease perspective”的综述性论文。在本文中,团队通过以病原体诱导的炎症和免疫反应的重要性为中心主题,重点关注幽门螺杆菌和GC进展之间的关系,同时详细介绍了其他新出现的重要分子机制(图1)。通过揭示这些分子机制的相互作用,无论是基础研究还是临床研究,都确定了关键的调控轴,这些调控轴都可能具有靶向治疗的潜力。
《Gastric Cancer|Surinder M. Soond团队从微生物角度综述了幽门螺杆菌与胃癌的关系》
图1 幽门螺杆菌感染和胃癌进展的关键因素示意图。幽门螺杆菌感染胃粘膜的慢性炎症(橙色箭头),可通过遗传因素(蓝色箭头)、关键生化因素(绿色箭头)和免疫系统的细胞外或细胞因素(黄色箭头)的相互作用来推动胃癌发展。组织蛋白酶(红色框)及其调节ECM、TAM、TIN、先天性和适应性免疫反应的调节输入被突出显示(红色箭头)。肿瘤来源的组织蛋白酶也可通过来自ECM、TAM、TIN和先天或适应性免疫反应的成分进行调节(黄色箭头)。
《Gastric Cancer|Surinder M. Soond团队从微生物角度综述了幽门螺杆菌与胃癌的关系》
图2 幽门螺杆菌感染胃上皮细胞后的局部炎症反应示意图。通过CagA和VacA的作用对HP感染的胃上皮反应导致通过Mcl-1蛋白诱导和自噬调节激活细胞存活。IL1β和IL-8表达(红色箭头)上调,从而诱导炎症细胞。持续性炎症会上调多种细胞因子和趋化因子(淡绿色框)的表达,这有助于上皮性胃癌细胞分化为间充质细胞。此类信号提示还可以增强组织蛋白酶蛋白酶(黄色框和箭头)的表达和分泌,这些蛋白酶可以作用于修饰ECM(黑框),以及源自TAF的组织蛋白酶、TAM和TIN。

《Gastric Cancer|Surinder M. Soond团队从微生物角度综述了幽门螺杆菌与胃癌的关系》


Gastric Cancer. 2021 Dec 16. 

doi: 10.1007/s10120-021-01272-8.


Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: a lysosomal protease perspective


The intimate involvement of pathogens with the heightened risk for developing certain cancers is an area of research that has captured a great deal of attention over the last 10 years. One firmly established paradigm that highlights this aspect of disease progression is in the instance of Helicobacter pylori infection and the contribution it makes in elevating the risk for developing gastric cancer. Whilst the molecular mechanisms that pinpoint the contribution that this microorganism inflicts towards host cells during gastric cancer initiation have come into greater focus, another picture that has also emerged is one that implicates the host’s immune system, and the chronic inflammation that can arise therefrom, as being a central contributory factor in disease progression. Consequently, when taken with the underlying role that the extracellular matrix plays in the development of most cancers, and how this dynamic can be modulated by proteases expressed from the tumor or inflammatory cells, a complex and detailed relationship shared between the individual cellular components and their surroundings is coming into focus. In this review article, we draw attention to the emerging role played by the cathepsin proteases in modulating the stage-specific progression of Helicobacter pylori-initiated gastric cancer and the underlying immune response, while highlighting the therapeutic significance of this dynamic and how it may be amenable for novel intervention strategies within a basic research or clinical setting.

《Gastric Cancer|Surinder M. Soond团队从微生物角度综述了幽门螺杆菌与胃癌的关系》



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